Friska Natalia, Ph.D.
[email protected]
Information SystemAssociate Professor (Lektor Kepala)Big DataStaff HandbookDetails
Ririn Ikana Desanti, S.Kom., M.Kom.
[email protected]
Information SystemAssistant Professor (Lektor)Big DataStaff HandbookDetails
Wella, S.Kom., M.MSI., COBIT 5
[email protected]
Information SystemAssistant Professor (Lektor)ERPStaff HandbookDetails
Johan Setiawan, S.Kom., M.M.,MBA
[email protected]
Information SystemAssistant Professor (Lektor)Big DataStaff HandbookDetails
Ir. Raymond Sunardi Oetama, M.CIS.
[email protected]
Information SystemAssistant Professor (Asisten Ahli)Big DataStaff HandbookDetails
Suryasari, S.Kom., M.T.
[email protected]
Information SystemAssistant Professor (Lektor)DatabaseStaff HandbookDetails
Melissa Indah Fianty, S.Kom., M.MSI.
[email protected]
Information SystemAssistant Professor (Asisten Ahli)DatabaseStaff HandbookDetails
Monika Evelin Johan, S.Kom., M.M.S.I.
[email protected]
Information SystemAssistant Professor (Asisten Ahli)Big DataStaff HandbookDetails
Rudi Sutomo, S.Kom., M.Si., M.Kom.
[email protected]
Information SystemAssistant Professor (Lektor)Big DataStaff HandbookDetails
Jansen Wiratama, S.Kom., M.Kom.
[email protected]
Information SystemAssistant Professor (Lektor)DatabaseStaff HandbookDetails
Samuel Ady Sanjaya, S.T., M.T.
[email protected]
Information SystemAssistant Professor (Asisten Ahli)DatabaseStaff HandbookDetails
Ahmad Faza, S.Kom., M.T.I.
[email protected]
Information SystemLecturer (Tenaga Pengajar)ERPStaff HandbookDetails
Dinar Ajeng Kristiyanti, S.Kom., M.Kom.
[email protected]
Information SystemAssistant Professor (Lektor)Big DataStaff Handbook
Dr.Irmawati, S.Kom.,M.M.S.I.
[email protected]
Information SystemAssistant Professor (Lektor)Big DataStaff Handbook
Dr. Santo Fernandi Wijaya, S.Kom., M.M.
[email protected]
Information SystemAssistant Professor (Lektor)ERPStaff Handbook
Dr. Erick Fernando, S.Kom., M.S.I.
[email protected]
Information SystemAssociate Professor (Lektor Kepala)DatabaseStaff Handbook
Agus Sulaiman, S.Kom., M.M.
[email protected]
Information SystemAssistant Professor (Asisten Ahli)Big DataStaff HandbookDetails
Iwan Prasetiawan, S.Kom., M.M.
[email protected]
Information SystemAssistant Professor (Asisten Ahli)Big DataStaff HandbookDetails
Dr. David Tjahjana, S.Kom., M.M.S.I.
[email protected]
Information SystemAssistant Professor (Lektor)ERPStaff HandbookDetails
Fransiscus Ati Halim, S.Kom., M.M.
[email protected]
Information SystemAssociate Professor (Lektor Kepala)ERPStaff HandbookDetails
Antonius Sony Eko Nugroho, S.T., M.T.
[email protected]
Information SystemLecturer (Tenaga Pengajar)DatabaseStaff Handbook
Mahfudz Amri, S.T.,M.MSI.
[email protected]
Information SystemLecturer (Tenaga Pengajar)ERPStaff Handbook
Haditya Setiawan, S.Kom., M.M.S.I.
[email protected]
Information SystemLecturer (Tenaga Pengajar)Big DataStaff Handbook
Enrico Siswanto, S.Kom., MBA
[email protected]
Information SystemAssistant Professor (Asisten Ahli)DatabaseStaff Handbook
Dr. Eng. Niki Prastomo, S.T., M.Sc.
[email protected]
Faculty of Informatics and EngineeringAssistant Professor (Lektor)Big DataStaff Handbook
Dr. Maria Irmina Prasetyowati, S.Kom., M.T.
[email protected]
Faculty of Informatics and EngineeringAssociate Professor (Lektor Kepala)Big DataStaff Handbook
Moeljono Widjaja, Ph.D.
[email protected]
Faculty of Informatics and EngineeringAssistant Professor (Lektor)Big DataStaff Handbook
Ni Made Satvika IswariFaculty of Informatics and EngineeringAssociate Professor (Lektor Kepala)Big DataStaff Handbook
Thomas D. Susmantoro
[email protected]
Faculty of Informatics and EngineeringAssistant Professor (Asisten Ahli)ERPStaff Handbook
Budi Berlinton Sitorus
[email protected]
Faculty of Informatics and EngineeringAssistant Professor (Lektor)Big DataStaff Handbook
[email protected]
Faculty of Informatics and EngineeringLecturer (Tenaga Pengajar)ERPStaff Handbook
Nofriyadi Nurdam
[email protected]
Faculty of Informatics and EngineeringLecturer (Tenaga Pengajar)Big DataStaff Handbook
[email protected]
Faculty of Informatics and EngineeringLecturer (Tenaga Pengajar)ERPStaff Handbook
Ferry Doringin
[email protected]
Faculty of Informatics and EngineeringAssistant Professor (Lektor)Social ScienceStaff Handbook
Iwan Irawan
[email protected]
Faculty of Informatics and EngineeringAssistant Professor (Asisten Ahli)Social ScienceStaff Handbook
Nyimas Dewi Sartika
Faculty of Informatics and EngineeringLecturer (Tenaga Pengajar)Big Data
[email protected]
Faculty of Informatics and EngineeringAssistant Professor (Lektor)Social Science
Ria SaraswatiFaculty of Informatics and EngineeringLecturer (Tenaga Pengajar)Social Science
Sri BudiatiFaculty of Informatics and EngineeringLecturer (Tenaga Pengajar)Social Science
[email protected]
Faculty of Informatics and EngineeringAssistant Professor (Lektor)Social ScienceStaff Handbook
Sylvie Meiliana
[email protected]
Faculty of Informatics and EngineeringAssociate Professor (Lektor Kepala)Social ScienceStaff Handbook
Dr. Yayan Sudrajat
[email protected]
Faculty of Informatics and EngineeringLecturer (Tenaga Pengajar)Social ScienceStaff Handbook
Angga Aditya Permana
[email protected]
Faculty of Informatics and EngineeringAssistant Professor (Lektor)Big DataStaff Handbook
Farica Perdana Putri
[email protected]
Faculty of Informatics and EngineeringAssistant Professor (Asisten Ahli)Big DataStaff Handbook
Prianggada Indra Tanaya
[email protected]
Faculty of Informatics and EngineeringAssistant Professor (Lektor)Big DataStaff Handbook
Rahmi Andarini
[email protected]
Faculty of Informatics and EngineeringAssistant Professor (Lektor)Big DataStaff Handbook
Seng Hansun
[email protected]
Faculty of Informatics and EngineeringAssistant Professor (Lektor)Big DataStaff Handbook
Suwito Pomalingo
[email protected]
Faculty of Informatics and EngineeringAssistant Professor (Asisten Ahli)Big DataStaff Handbook